Managing Depression During Dissertation Writing

Managing Depression During Dissertation Writing


Managing depression during your dissertation writing is critical. It is important that you do not feel anxious rather love the process of writing your dissertation. Always remember that you start dissertation in planned manner. Writing a dissertation is just like any task, which we have to manage one step at a time. We must start with writing one sentence at a time and soon that will turn into a paragraph. And more importantly your writing does not have to be perfect at the first attempt. It is just a draft. Writing your dissertation is not a race. So do not worry about perfection. Just focus on today and do your best.
Although dissertation writing can be a lonely process, then remember to surround yourself with friends, family and loved ones. You can either join or start a peer dissertation support group in this way you can discuss your unique experience. Help others whenever you can, also ask for help from your peers. Communicate with some trusted peers about your timelines and how much you more you have to cover. Decide on realistic deadlines and offer accountability. This will a practical and useful way to keep yourself focused and not get sucked into the darkness of depression. We hope that you take every step to be happy. Keep communicating with your peers, professors, friends, and family. This is a holistic way to approach your dissertation journey. Keep yourself on the radar, so that you can stay informed and connected.
During the dissertation writing process if you feel anything is causing you anxiety or distress be sure to take help from peers, administrative staff, HR or your academic faculty. As you write your dissertation, submit different chapters to your dissertation advisor and get proper feedback. Do not hesitate to ask proper clarification as that may help to better understand what is expected of you in the dissertation. If ever you feel sad or filled with depression, uplift your spirits with positive thoughts. You could keep a reserved time for healing, for praying or meditation. Connecting with the spiritual side of you will also be extremely effective in lowering depression. During a challenging task such as writing a dissertation, you need to keep yourself rooted and connected to the social and emotional anchor. If all else fails you must take professional help. This is an effective way of being responsible for oneself.

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